Avannaata Municipality: Join a devoted and passionate team making a difference in the largest municipality of Greenland
Do you find fulfillment in creating positive change and aspire to play an active role in the development of Greenland's society? At Avannaata Municipality, we welcome you to become a part of our dedicated team and work with us in enhancing the lives of our citizens and strengthening our local communities.
A workplace emphasizing collaboration and development
Avannaata Municipality is Greenland's largest municipality, both geographically and demographically, encompassing a vast array of diverse towns and settlements. As a part of our team, you will closely collaborate with your colleagues and local stakeholders to ensure our citizens have access to efficient and high-quality public services, and our local communities receive the essential support to grow and prosper.
A diverse and inclusive workplace
At Avannaata Municipality, we value diversity and inclusion. Our employees come from varied backgrounds and bring a wide array of skills and experiences. Whether your background is in administration, education, health, culture, engineering, or environmental sciences, you will find a welcoming workplace here, one that supports you in your personal and professional development.
Opportunities for career growth and personal development
Avannaata Municipality is committed to offering our employees opportunities for professional development and career progression. We provide a range of diverse roles across various sectors and encourage our employees to enhance their skills and knowledge through education and training. With our support and guidance, you can build a meaningful and exciting career in the public sector of Greenland.
Experience Greenland's unique nature and culture
A position with Avannaata Municipality provides you with a unique opportunity to experience Greenland's exceptional nature, culture, and people firsthand. You'll have the chance to live and work in some of the world's most captivating and picturesque environments while also becoming an integral part of the local community and a key contributor to Greenland's social and economic development.
Become a part of Avannaata Municipality and contribute to a better future for Greenland's citizens and local communities
If you're passionate about creating positive change and aspire to play an active role in Greenland's social and economic development, Avannaata Municipality is the ideal workplace for you. We invite you to join our team and work with us in improving the quality of life for our citizens and enhancing our local communities.
A supportive and engaging working environment
At Avannaata Municipality, we value a working environment where employees feel engaged, supported, and appreciated. We believe a positive working atmosphere and a culture of trust and cooperation are key to our success and capability to deliver effective services to our citizens. As a part of our team, you will experience a working environment where colleagues and leaders collaborate and support each other in the pursuit of our common objectives.
Contribute to sustainable solutions and environmental protection
At Avannaata Municipality, we are focused on promoting sustainable solutions and safeguarding Greenland's unique environment. As part of our team, you'll have the opportunity to contribute to important projects and initiatives that address environmental challenges and promote sustainable development across our municipality.
Aktywne oferty pracy
Assistent - Majoriaq Upernavik
Stillingen som kontorassistent i Majoriaq i Upernavik søges besat pr. 15. april 2025 eller efter nærmere aftale. Arbejdsopgaver inkluderer arbejde med arbejdssøgende, handlingsplaner, vejledning indenfor arbejdsmarked, kurser samt videreuddannelse.

Lærer - Prinsesse Margrethe Skolen
Prinsesse Margrethe Skolen søger 2 uddannede lærere til at undervise i forskellige fag. Skolen har omkring 180 elever og 25 lærere. Vi søger lærere der er uddannet, arbejdsdygtige, venlige, trofaste, har visioner, er innovative, samarbejdsdygtige, åbne for nye undervisningsformer og kan bruge iPad i undervisningen.

Genopslag: Pædagog til Daginstitutionen Vug. Sikkerneq i Ilulissat, Avannaata Kommunia søger 1 Pædagog til ansættelse 1. april 2025 eller efter nærmere aftale. Ansøgning med oplysninger om uddannelsespapirer, autorisationsbevis og dokumentation fra tidligere beskæftigelse fremsendes senest 24 marts gennem Avannaata Kommunias hjemmeside.

Ilulissat Majoriaq søger en Afdelingsleder til adminstrationen med ansættelse pr. 1. April 2025. Afdelingslederen vil have ansvar i den daglige drift, herunder udbetaling af jobsøgningsydelser, tilsyn af arbejdsopgaver, personaleledelse og økonomistyring.

Afdelingsleder - Sundhed & Fritid Upernavik
Avannaata Kommunia i Upernavik søger afdelingsleder for Sundhed & Fritid med ansættelse pr. 1. april 2025.

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