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Qeqqata Kommunia

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Join a forward-thinking team dedicated to the growth of one of Greenland's most dynamic municipalities

Are you inspired by the prospect of making an impact and want to be an integral part of Greenland's evolving progress? Qeqqata Municipality invites you to join our skilled team as we collectively strive to enhance the quality of life for our citizens and foster the growth and development of our community.

A community shaped by advancement and collaboration

Situated centrally in Greenland, Qeqqata Municipality encompasses the bustling town of Sisimiut among various smaller towns and settlements. Being a part of our team means collaborating closely with your colleagues and local stakeholders to ensure our citizens receive high-quality, efficient public services, and our communities receive the necessary support to thrive.

Diversity and inclusivity as core values

At Qeqqata Municipality, we cherish diversity and inclusivity. Our team comprises individuals from myriad backgrounds, each contributing a unique set of skills and experiences. Regardless of your professional history - be it administration, education, health, culture, engineering, or environmental sectors - you will find a welcoming environment with us, supporting your personal and professional growth.

Promoting career opportunities and personal skills

Qeqqata Municipality is committed to providing our staff with opportunities for professional advancement and career progression. We offer a wide array of positions across various sectors and encourage our staff to broaden their skillsets and knowledge through further education and training. With our guidance and support, you can construct a fulfilling and rewarding career within the public sector in Greenland.

Experience the fascinating nature and culture of Greenland

Working at Qeqqata Municipality provides a unique opportunity to experience the captivating natural beauty of Greenland, its rich cultural heritage, and welcoming populace. You will get a chance to work and live in some of the most remarkable and scenic landscapes in the world, while being a valuable part of the local community and contributing to Greenland's social and economic development.

Become a part of Qeqqata Municipality and contribute to a brighter future for the citizens and community of Greenland

If you aspire to enact positive changes and actively participate in Greenland's social and economic progress, Qeqqata Municipality is the perfect place for you. We encourage you to become a part of our team and collaborate with us to enhance the living standards of our citizens and fortify our community.

A work environment that supports and motivates

In Qeqqata Municipality, we aim to create a work atmosphere where our employees feel motivated, supported, and valued. We believe a positive work environment and a culture based on trust and teamwork are key to our success and our ability to provide effective services to our citizens.

Focus on sustainability and environmental conservation

At Qeqqata Municipality, we have a strong emphasis on promoting sustainable solutions and safeguarding the unique Greenlandic environment. Being part of our team means having the opportunity to partake in significant projects and initiatives addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable development across our municipality.

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Stillingen som Socialhjælper hos Aanikasik kræver en stabil og ansvarsbevidst medarbejder med fokus på kompetenceudvikling for børn og konstruktivt samarbejde med forældre. Motivation, selvstændighed og interesse for institutionens udvikling er vigtige egenskaber.

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Aanikasik søger 2 pædagog uddannede. Du skal være stabil med anerkendende tilgang til arbejdsmetoder, ansvarsbevidst, kunne statusopfølgning og udarbejde kompetenceudvikling for børn, arbejde konstruktivt med forældre, samarbejdsvillig, besidde motivation, og kunne arbejde selvstændigt samt være interesseret i udvikling af institutionen.

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Qupanuk søger sundhedshjælper til Plejehjemmet, der er inddelt i plejeafdeling og demensafdeling. Der lægges vægt på egenomsorg og psykisk omsorg. Arbejdsopgaver inkluderer personlig pleje, rehabilitering og udvikling af plejehjemmet.

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Qinnguata Atuarfia søger 2-3 lærere til en lille bygdeskole med fokus på faglighed, kreativitet, bevægelse, og motivation. Skolen tilbyder et behageligt arbejdsmiljø med fantastiske elever og vægter god forældrekommunikation.

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Psykoterapeut eller Psykolog til Familiecenteret

Familiecenteret i Qeqqata Kommunia søger psykolog eller psykoterapeut til at arbejde med traumer efter hændelser som seksuelle overgreb, vold, omsorgssvigt og selvmord. Opgaven er at støtte familierne og hjælpe dem videre efter sådanne hændelser.

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Makkorsip Aqquserna 2
Sisimiut 3911

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