Join our dynamic and forward-thinking team that is driving lasting change in Greenland's most populous municipality, Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq.
Are you driven by being part of a positive transformation and envision yourself playing a pivotal role in Greenland's community development? We invite you to become a part of our dedicated team at Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq, collaborating with us to enhance the lives of our citizens and fortify our local communities.
Experience a work life powered by teamwork and innovation
Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq, the most populous municipality in Greenland, spans a vast geographical area with a diversity of towns and settlements. As part of our team, you will work hand-in-hand with colleagues and local stakeholders to ensure that our citizens benefit from reliable and effective public services, and our communities receive the necessary support to grow and prosper.
A workplace celebrating diversity and inclusion
At Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq, we value diversity and inclusion. Our employees come from different backgrounds, bringing a wealth of skills and experiences to the table. Regardless of your expertise in administration, education, health, culture, engineering, or environment, you will find a welcoming work environment with us that supports your personal and professional development.
Opportunities for professional and personal growth
Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq is committed to providing our employees with opportunities for professional growth and career advancement. We offer a range of positions across various sectors and encourage our employees to expand their skills and knowledge through education and training. With our support and guidance, you can build a rewarding and exciting career in the public sector in Greenland.
Immerse yourself in the spectacular nature and culture of Greenland
A role at Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq offers you a unique opportunity to experience the breathtaking nature, culture, and people of Greenland up close. You will have the chance to live and work in some of the world's most unique and picturesque environments while becoming an integral part of the local community and a key player in Greenland's social and economic development.
Participate in Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq and make a difference for the people and communities of Greenland
If you are passionate about making a positive difference and wish to play an active role in Greenland's social and economic progress, Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq is the ideal workplace for you. We encourage you to become part of our team and work with us to improve the quality of life for our citizens and strengthen our community.
A work environment characterized by commitment and support
At Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq, we appreciate a work environment where employees feel engaged, supported, and valued. We believe that a positive work environment and a culture based on trust and collaboration are key to our success and our ability to provide effective services to our citizens. As part of our team, you will experience a work environment where colleagues and leaders work together and support each other to achieve our common goals.
Contribute to a green future and environmental protection
At Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq, we focus on promoting green solutions and protecting Greenland's unique environment. As part of our team, you will have the opportunity to contribute to significant projects and initiatives that address environmental challenges and promote sustainable development across our municipality.
Active Jobs
Sundhedsassistent eller Sygeplejerske
Sundhedsassistent eller sygeplejerske søges til Boenhed Seernaq i Nuuk. Stillingen er fuldtidsstilling med fokus på omsorg og udvikling af beboernes færdigheder. Værdierne for boenheden er omsorg, respekt, tryghed og livskvalitet.

Lærere søges til Tasiilami Alivarpi
Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq søger dygtige og engagerede lærere til skolen i Tasiilaq. Vi søger uddannede lærere til at indgå i skolernes lærerteam og til samtlige af skolens almene fag. Stillingen indebærer undervisning, rådgivning og fokus på inklusion og IT-kompetencer.

Sundhedshjælper Handicap og Socialpsykiatri
Boenheden Pakkutaq søger en initiativrig og handlekraftig sundhedshjælper til at hjælpe beboere med fysiske- og psykiske funktionsnedsættelser. Stillingen er fuldtids med dag- og aftenvagter samt weekendarbejde.

Socialrådgiver søges til Nuussuup Atuarfia. Primære opgave er at koordinere det sociale arbejde omkring eleverne på skolen. Udvikle skole-hjemsamarbejdet, rådgive personalet, lave handleplaner og indsatser omkring misbrug, trivsel og mobning.

Pædagog til Integreret daginstitution Paarsisoq
Paarsisoq er en integreret daginstitution beliggende ved vejen til bydelen Radiofjeldet. Vi har plads til 90 børn fordelt på vuggestue og børnehave. Vi lægger vægt på anerkendende pædagogik, brug af naturen som pædagogisk redskab, respekt for forskellighed og skabelse af trygge omgivelser for børnene.

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