Actively participate in our dedicated team, striving to make a difference in Greenland's southernmost municipality.
Do you dream of being a catalyst for positive change and possess a strong will to actively influence Greenland's development? Kujalleq Municipality warmly welcomes you to become an indispensable part of our committed team. Together, we work towards improving living conditions for our citizens and fortifying our local communities.
A workspace where collaboration and development take center stage
Located as the southernmost municipality of Greenland, Kujalleq Municipality encompasses several diverse towns and settlements. As part of our team, you'll have the opportunity to collaborate closely with colleagues and local stakeholders to ensure that our citizens have access to efficient public services. We are dedicated to ensuring our communities receive the necessary support to grow and flourish.
A workplace where diversity and inclusion are core values
At Kujalleq Municipality, we highly value diversity and inclusion. Our staff hail from various backgrounds and boast a wide array of skills and experiences. Regardless of your background in administration, education, health, culture, engineering, or environment, you'll find a place with us that appreciates your skills and supports your personal and professional growth.
Opportunities for professional growth and personal development
Kujalleq Municipality is dedicated to offering our staff opportunities for professional development and career growth. We offer a broad spectrum of positions across different sectors and encourage our employees to develop their skills and knowledge through education and training. With our support, you can shape a meaningful and exciting career within the public sector in Greenland.
Discover Greenland's unique southern nature and culture
A position at Kujalleq Municipality offers a unique opportunity to experience Greenland's extraordinary southern nature, culture, and society firsthand. You will have the chance to work and live in some of the most captivating and scenic surroundings in the world while becoming an integrated part of the local community and a crucial player in Greenland's social and economic development.
Join Kujalleq Municipality and contribute to a better future for Greenland's citizens and communities
If you are passionate about creating positive change and wish to play an active role in Greenland's social and economic development, Kujalleq Municipality is the ideal workplace for you. We invite you to become part of our team and work with us to improve the quality of life for our citizens and strengthen our communities.
A workplace that values engagement and support
At Kujalleq Municipality, we prioritize a work environment where employees feel engaged, supported, and appreciated. We believe that a positive work culture marked by trust and cooperation is key to our success and our ability to deliver effective services to our citizens. As part of our team, you will experience a workplace where colleagues and leaders work together to achieve our common goals.
Contribute to sustainable solutions and environmental protection
At Kujalleq Municipality, we are committed to promoting sustainable solutions and protecting the unique southern Greenlandic environment. As part of our team, you will have the opportunity to contribute to important projects that address environmental challenges and promote sustainable development across our municipality.
Active Jobs
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Overassistent til Sullissivik i Qaqortoq søges til februar 2025. Stillingen indebærer diverse administrative opgaver samt kontakt med borgere og myndigheder. Kendskab til NemID og IT-systemer er en fordel. Ansøgere skal have gode kommunikationsevner og være servicemindede.
Isumaginninnermi siunnersortiNanortalimmi
Kommune Kujalleq søger en erfaren medarbejder til pensionsrådgivning og -administration. Du vil være ansvarlig for at rådgive om pensionsforhold, sikre korrekt administration og håndtere henvendelser fra borgere. Kræver bachelorgrad og erfaring inden for pensionsområdet.
Socialhjælper til Vuggestue Vivi
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